Eel Pie Island Museum

Museums, Art Galleries & Libraries / Museums

  • Twickenham, Greater London, TW1 3AB

Discover a hidden gem celebrating the vibrant history of an iconic island. Immerse yourself in tales of music, art, and counterculture.

Indoors Attraction

Family Friendly Attraction

Accessible Attraction

Dogs Not allowed

Opening Times

Monday to Wednesday: Appointment only

Thursday to Sunday: 12pm to 5:30pm


£4 - Single visit

£6 - Annual passport


Eel Pie Island Museum
Eel Pie Island Museum

More Information

Embark on a journey through time as you step into the captivating realm of the Eel Pie Island Museum. Delve into the rich tapestry of the island's history, from its humble beginnings as a haven for eel pie feasts to its legendary status as a hub of music and counterculture. Through immersive exhibits and engaging narratives, visitors are transported to an era of artistic expression and societal revolution, where the echoes of jazz, blues, and rock 'n' roll resonate within the island's very fabric. With each artifact and anecdote, the museum breathes life into the spirit of Eel Pie Island, offering a compelling glimpse into its colorful past and enduring legacy.


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