Bethlem Museum of The Mind

Museums, Art Galleries & Libraries / Museums

  • Beckenham, Greater London, BR3 3BX
  • 020 3228 4227

Discover the fascinating history of mental health treatment through insightful exhibits and personal stories at this thought-provoking museum in London.

Indoors Attraction

Family Friendly Attraction

Accessible Attraction

Dogs Not allowed

Opening Times

Saturday: 9:30am to 5pm

Pre-booked groups:

Wednesday to Saturday: 9:30am to 5pm




Bethlem Museum of The Mind
Bethlem Museum of The Mind
Bethlem Museum of The Mind
Bethlem Museum of The Mind

More Information

Visiting the Bethlem Museum of The Mind in London offers a unique and insightful journey into the history and experiences of mental health. As you wander through the thoughtfully curated exhibits, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the evolving attitudes towards mental illness and the treatments used throughout the centuries. From historical artifacts to personal accounts, the museum sheds light on the challenges faced by individuals with mental health conditions and the progress made in the field of psychiatry.

The museum's compassionate approach encourages reflection and dialogue, fostering empathy and understanding towards those affected by mental health issues. Interactive displays and multimedia installations engage visitors of all ages, making this museum not only educational but also deeply impactful. Whether you're a mental health advocate, a history enthusiast, or simply curious to learn more, a visit to the Bethlem Museum of The Mind promises to be a thought-provoking and enlightening experience.


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