The Pankhurst Centre

Museums, Art Galleries & Libraries / Museums

  • Manchester, Greater Manchester, M13 9WP
  • 0161 273 5673

Step into history at this iconic site, where the fight for women's rights comes alive through engaging exhibits and guided tours.

Indoors Attraction

Family Friendly Attraction

Inaccessible Attraction

Dogs Not allowed

Opening Times

Thursday & Sunday: 11am to 4pm




The Pankhurst Centre
The Pankhurst Centre
The Pankhurst Centre
The Pankhurst Centre

More Information

Walking through the doors of this historic building, you're immersed in the atmosphere of activism and empowerment that once fueled the fight for women's rights. Explore the carefully preserved rooms where Emmeline Pankhurst and her fellow suffragettes strategized and planned, gaining insight into their courageous efforts to secure equality and justice.

Guided tours offer a deeper understanding of the pivotal role played by The Pankhurst Centre in shaping history, while interactive exhibits bring to life the stories of the women who dared to challenge the status quo. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a champion of equality, or simply curious about the pioneering figures who paved the way for change, a visit to The Pankhurst Centre is a compelling and inspiring experience that resonates long after you've left its hallowed halls.


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