Riverside Museum

Museums, Art Galleries & Libraries / Museums

  • museums@glasgowlife.org.uk
  • Glasgow, City of Glasgow, G3 8RS
  • 0151 287 2720

Innovative museum, diverse exhibits, transportation history, interactive displays, family-friendly, engaging experience.

Indoors Attraction

Family Friendly Attraction

Accessible Attraction

Dogs Not allowed

Opening Times

Monday to Thursday & Saturday: 10am to 5pm

Friday and Sunday: 11am to 5pm




Riverside Museum
Riverside Museum
Riverside Museum
Riverside Museum
Riverside Museum

More Information

This innovative museum offers visitors a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of travel, from historic locomotives and vintage cars to iconic ships and bicycles. With diverse exhibits and interactive displays, there's something to captivate visitors of all ages and interests.

At the Riverside Museum, learning comes alive through hands-on experiences and engaging activities. Children can climb aboard vintage buses, try their hand at operating a tram, or explore the decks of a historic ship. Meanwhile, adults can delve into the stories behind each exhibit, learning about the people and technologies that shaped Glasgow's transportation heritage. With its family-friendly atmosphere and immersive exhibits, the Riverside Museum promises an unforgettable experience for all who visit.


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