National Football Musuem

Museums, Art Galleries & Libraries / Speciality Museums

  • Manchester, Greater Manchester, M4 3BG
  • 0161 605 8200

Immerse yourself in the exhilarating world of football history and culture. Interactive exhibits and iconic memorabilia await your exploration.

Indoors Attraction

Family Friendly Attraction

Accessible Attraction

Dogs Not allowed

Opening Times

Daily: 10am to 5pm


Adult: £14

Child (5-15): £7

Under 5s: Free

Family: £36


National Football Musuem
National Football Musuem
National Football Musuem
National Football Musuem
National Football Musuem

More Information

Dive into the heart and soul of the beautiful game at the National Football Museum in Manchester. From legendary players to historic matches, this museum offers a captivating journey through the rich tapestry of football's past, present, and future.

As you step into the museum, you're greeted by an array of interactive exhibits and iconic memorabilia that celebrate the sport's enduring legacy. From the roar of the crowd to the thrill of victory, each display immerses you in the excitement and passion that define football culture.

One of the highlights of the museum is the chance to explore the stories behind the game's greatest players and teams. From Pele to Messi, relive the moments that have shaped football history through rare footage, personal artifacts, and interactive displays that bring their achievements to life.

But the museum isn't just about looking back—it's also a celebration of the global impact and cultural significance of football today. Engage with cutting-edge exhibits on topics like diversity, inclusion, and the future of the game, highlighting football's power to unite communities and inspire positive change.

Whether you're a die-hard fan or simply curious about the world's most popular sport, a visit to the National Football Museum promises an unforgettable experience that celebrates the universal language of football and its enduring place in our hearts.


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