Museum of Liverpool

Museums, Art Galleries & Libraries / Museums

  • Liverpool, Merseyside, L3 1DG
  • 0151 478 4545

A dynamic museum showcasing the city's rich history, culture, and people through engaging exhibits and interactive displays.

Indoors Attraction

Family Friendly Attraction

Accessible Attraction

Dogs Not allowed

Opening Times

Tuesday to Sunday: 10am to 5pm




Museum of Liverpool
Museum of Liverpool
Museum of Liverpool
Museum of Liverpool

More Information

As you step inside, you're greeted by a wealth of exhibits that celebrate the city's vibrant history, culture, and people. From the iconic waterfront to the bustling streets, each display offers a fascinating glimpse into Liverpool's past, present, and future.

One highlight of the museum is its interactive exhibits, which engage visitors in a hands-on exploration of Liverpool's heritage. Families can immerse themselves in the city's maritime history, try their hand at navigating the docks, or explore the evolution of Liverpool's iconic music scene. Younger visitors will delight in the museum's family-friendly activities, from storytelling sessions to craft workshops inspired by Liverpool's rich cultural heritage.

Beyond its indoor exhibits, the Museum of Liverpool also offers opportunities to explore the city's waterfront and skyline. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll along the waterfront promenade, take in panoramic views of the city from the museum's rooftop terrace, or embark on a guided tour of nearby landmarks. With its diverse range of exhibits and activities, the Museum of Liverpool is the perfect destination for families, history buffs, and anyone eager to discover the rich tapestry of Liverpool's past and present.


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