Knebworth House Gardens and Park

Nature, Parks and Beaches / Gardens

  • Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2AX
  • 01438 812661

House, park, dardens, adventure playground and dinosaur trail.

Outdoors Attraction

Family Friendly Attraction

Accessible in some areas

Dogs allowed in some areas

Opening Times

See main site


Excluding HouseIncluding House
Senior Citizens£10.00£13.50
Children age 3-16£10.00£13.50
Children age 1 & 2FreeFree
Family Day Ticket (for 4)£36.00£50.00
Season Ticket (for 1)£42

Additional Information

Family tickets are applicable to groups of four people arriving together. Children under 3 years of age are admitted free of charge. Admission prices to House, Park, Gardens, Adventure Playground and


Knebworth House Gardens and Park
Knebworth House Gardens and Park
Knebworth House Gardens and Park
Knebworth House Gardens and Park
Knebworth House Gardens and Park


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