Durham Castle

History & Heritage / Castles & Halls

  • castle.tours@durham.ac.uk
  • Durham, Durham, DH1 3RW
  • 0191 334 2932

Medieval fortress, UNESCO World Heritage Site, guided tours, stunning architecture, panoramic views, historic Great Hall.

Indoors Attraction

Family Friendly Attraction

Accessible in some areas

Dogs Not allowed

Opening Times

Pleasek check their website for more information on tour times.


Adults (16+) : £5.00

Children: Free


Durham Castle
Durham Castle
Durham Castle
Durham Castle

More Information

Nestled atop a hill overlooking the historic city of Durham, lies a hidden gem of medieval splendor – Durham Castle. As a visitor, stepping through its ancient gates is like stepping back in time, into a world of knights, kings, and timeless architecture.

Guided Tours:

Guided tours offer a fascinating insight into the castle's rich history, from its origins as a Norman fortress to its transformation into a prestigious university college. Knowledgeable guides lead visitors through the castle's labyrinthine corridors, sharing tales of intrigue, conquest, and royal patronage.

Stunning Architecture:

The castle's architecture is a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of medieval builders. From the imposing keep to the grandeur of the Great Hall, every stone tells a story of power and prestige. The castle's chapel, with its intricate stained glass windows and ornate woodwork, is a true marvel of medieval artistry.

Panoramic Views:

As you climb the castle's battlements, you're rewarded with breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside and the majestic River Wear below. It's easy to imagine yourself standing guard over the kingdom, surveying the landscape from your lofty vantage point.

Cultural Hub:

Today, Durham Castle serves as a vibrant cultural hub, hosting concerts, exhibitions, and events throughout the year. From medieval banquets to contemporary art installations, there's always something exciting happening within its ancient walls.

A visit to Durham Castle is a journey through time, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Durham's medieval past. Whether you're drawn by its stunning architecture, panoramic views, or vibrant cultural scene, this historic landmark promises an experience that's truly unforgettable.


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