Castletown D-Day Centre

Museums, Art Galleries & Libraries / Museums

  • Portland Port, Dorset, DT5 1BD

Authentic recreation of the busy wartime dockyard on the Isle of Portland with an impressive array of original WW2 equipment.

Indoors Attraction

Family Friendly Attraction

Accessible Attraction

Dogs Not allowed

Opening Times

Daily from 10:30 to 3:30


Adult (18 and over) £8.50

Young Adult (Ages 12 - 17) £6.50

Child (under 12) £5.50

Family (2 adults plus 2 children or young adults) £24.00


Castletown D-Day Centre
Castletown D-Day Centre
Castletown D-Day Centre
Castletown D-Day Centre
Castletown D-Day Centre

More Information

The Castletown D-Day Centre is an accurate reconstruction of the bustling wartime dockyard on the Isle of Portland, from which thousands of American troops from the 5th US Corps and the US 1st Infantry departed in 1944 on their way to the heavily guarded beaches of Nazi-occupied France.


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